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Projects (click the images to learn more!)

Zero-G Tumbling Target Capture

Motion planning and trajectory control for capture of tumbling objects in zero-G using the Drake toolbox.

Final project for Manipulation at MIT.

Leader-follower Coordination of Soft Robotic Fish

A vision-based coordination strategy for autonomous, untethered soft robotic fish that I worked on for my graduate research project.

Presented and published at the 2022 IEEE OES AUV Symposium.


Vision-based Autonomy for a Quadruped Robot

Developing a ROS2 software stack to perform control, localization, and mapping on the open-source Stanford pupper quadruped robot.

The goals of this project are to re-enforce my robot autonomy fundamentals and to further hone my C++ skills.


Hexapod Gazebo Simulation

A ROS/Gazebo simulation for a hexapod robot designed for locomotion over lunar terrain.

Developed to verify continually evolving system architecture for submission to NASA BIG Idea Challenge 2022.

Ring Watch

A silly watch that tells you the time via a single RGB LED... and fits on your ring finger! Based on the ATtiny85 and PCF8523 real time clock.